Monday, October 17, 2011

Last Friday Night...

No, I didn't have quite the same experience that Katy Perry sings about in her song by the same title. But it was a pretty darn good night.

Friday night, my dear husband (DH) and I went to the movies. That is a VERY rare occurance for us. We don't normally venture farther than our living room couch on a Friday night, so it was quite exciting. We saw Friends with Benefits, starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. I wouldn't say with was a cinematic masterpiece, but I did find it enjoyable.

The plot was pretty predictable, as is usually the case in romantic comedies. I laughed quite a bit and it ended sweetly. This movie reminded me of No Strings Attached with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. The plot was very similar. The main characters are emotionally unavailable (or messed up, however you want to think about it) and they get together for sex only. Nothing is supposed to materialize from the sex. No falling in love, no boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, just sex.

In Friends with Benefits, the main characters become best friends and have a hard time dealing with life after a falling out. They soon decide that they need each other and their friendship in order to cope with their life stressors (namely their parents.) We laughed throughout the movie and left the theatre feel good (all smiles.)  The movie left DH a bit uncomforatable at times (it was pretty 'graphic' for a less than X rating.) Sometimes I wonder if screenplay writers try to find ways to insert as many swear words as  possible into a single movie. I don't think that normal people swear as much as they do in movies.  I guess, there were quite a few drawbacks to this movie, but I liked it anyway.

After the movie we went to a nearby restaurant. I wasn't in the mood to eat since I had polished off a large pop and popcorn (love popcorn and it's even better at the movies.) So, we each had a margarita and some chips and salsa. I didn't care much for mine, but after I added some extra salt it was all good. It was a great date night.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun date night. I don't think I've seen either of those movies.
